How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

Duplicating a page in WordPress can be a huge time-saver when creating multiple pages with similar content or layouts. Instead of starting from scratch, you can quickly clone an existing page and make the necessary changes. In this article, we'll explore the different methods to duplicate a page in WordPress.

Method 1: Using the Duplicate Page Plugin
  1. Install and activate the Duplicate Page plugin: Search for "Duplicate Page" in the WordPress plugin directory, install, and activate it.
  2. Go to the page you want to duplicate: Navigate to the page you want to clone in the WordPress page editor.
  3. Click the "Duplicate" button: A new button labeled "Duplicate" will appear next to the "Publish" button. Click it to create a copy of the page.
  4. Edit the duplicated page: The duplicated page will be created as a draft. Edit the title, content, and other settings as needed.
Method 2: Using the WordPress Page Editor
  1. Go to the page you want to duplicate: Navigate to the page you want to clone in the WordPress page editor.
  2. Click the "Copy All Content" button: Click the "Copy All Content" button in the top-right corner of the page editor.
  3. Create a new page: Go to the WordPress dashboard and create a new page.
  4. Paste the copied content: Paste the copied content into the new page editor.
  5. Edit the page: Edit the title, content, and other settings as needed.
Method 3: Using a Page Builder
  1. Go to the page you want to duplicate: Navigate to the page you want to clone in the WordPress page editor.
  2. Click the "Save as Template" button: If you're using a page builder like Elementor or Beaver Builder, click the "Save as Template" button.
  3. Create a new page: Go to the WordPress dashboard and create a new page.
  4. Apply the template: Apply the saved template to the new page.
  5. Edit the page: Edit the title, content, and other settings as needed.
Tips and Variations
  • Duplicating multiple pages: If you need to duplicate multiple pages, you can use the "Duplicate Page" plugin to bulk duplicate pages.
  • Duplicating posts: You can also duplicate posts using the same methods described above.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy the page content, and Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) to paste it into a new page.
By following these methods, you can quickly and easily duplicate pages in WordPress, saving you time and effort when creating multiple pages with similar content or layouts.
FAQs: Duplicating a Page in WordPress
Q: Why can't I find the "Duplicate" button on my page?
A: Make sure you have installed and activated the Duplicate Page plugin. If you're using a page builder, check if the "Save as Template" button is available.
Q: Will duplicating a page affect my website's SEO?
A: No, duplicating a page won't directly impact SEO. However, ensure you update the title, meta description, and content to avoid duplicate content issues.
Q: Can I duplicate a page with a different parent page?
A: Yes, when duplicating a page, you can choose a different parent page or keep the same hierarchy.
Q: How do I duplicate a page with a custom template?
A: If you're using a custom template, duplicate the page using the WordPress page editor method or the page builder's "Save as Template" feature.
Q: Can I bulk duplicate multiple pages at once?
A: Yes, the Duplicate Page plugin offers a bulk duplication feature. Select the pages you want to duplicate and follow the plugin's instructions.
Q: Will duplicating a page delete the original page?
A: No, duplicating a page creates a new copy and leaves the original page intact.
Q: Can I duplicate a page to a different WordPress site?
A: No, duplicating a page only works within the same WordPress site. To transfer pages between sites, use the WordPress export and import features.
Q: Are there any limitations to duplicating pages?
A: Some page builders or plugins might have limitations or restrictions on duplicating pages. Check your specific plugin or theme documentation for details.