Mangal Dhillon, renowned actor of Hindi and Punjabi films, passed away on Sunday morning. He had been battling cancer for quite some time, and his condition had worsened over the past few days. The actor, Mangal Dhillon, known for his work in Hindi and Punjabi films, breathed his last this morning. He had been fighting the disease of cancer for the past few years. He was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Ludhiana, Punjab. His health had been deteriorating for some time, and today, on Sunday morning, the actor took his last breath, bidding farewell to the world forever.
Actor Yashpal Sharma Confirms the Demise of Mangal Dhillon
Meanwhile, actor Yashpal Sharma confirmed the news of Mangal Dhillon's demise in an interview with ABP News. He revealed that Mangal Dhillon had been battling cancer for a long time, and he was undergoing treatment at a cancer hospital in Ludhiana. The news of Mangal Dhillon's demise has sent shockwaves through the Punjabi film industry. Fans and fellow actors are expressing their grief over the loss.