Parakala Vangamayi, the daughter of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, recently entered marital bliss as she tied the knot with Pratik Doshi in a private ceremony held in Bengaluru. The wedding was a close-knit affair attended by family members and dear friends, with no political party leaders in attendance. The ceremony followed traditional Brahmin customs, with esteemed seers from Udupi Adamaru Mutt gracing the auspicious occasion.
The wedding festivities took place at the Sitharaman residence in Bengaluru on June 8th. Reports suggest that the ceremony was an intimate affair, limited to the couple's near and dear ones. It was reported that no political figures were extended invitations for the wedding proceedings. Some sources even mentioned that the wedding took place at a hotel in Bengaluru, adding an element of elegance to the celebration. The rituals were conducted meticulously, adhering to the customs and traditions of the Brahmin community, with the presence of seers from Udupi Adamaru Mutt, imparting their blessings to the newlyweds.
For her special day, the bride, Vangamayi, chose a resplendent pink saree paired with a green blouse, radiating grace and beauty. The groom, Pratik Doshi, donned a traditional white Pancha (dhoti) and shawl, symbolizing purity and serenity. The mother of the bride, Nirmala Sitharaman, adorned herself in a splendid Molakalmuru saree, exuding elegance and poise.
Vangamayi holds a master's degree in Journalism from the prestigious Northwestern Medill School of Journalism. Currently, she is engaged in the Books and Culture section of Mint Lounge's features department. Prior to this, she showcased her writing skills as a features writer for The Hindu, leaving an indelible mark in the field.
On the other hand, the groom, Pratik Doshi, hails from Gujarat and serves as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the Prime Minister's Office (PMO). He joined the PMO in 2014, during the first term of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and was later appointed as OSD during Modi's second term in 2019. Reports suggest that Doshi is responsible for research and strategy at the PMO. Prior to his role at the PMO, he served as a research assistant at the Chief Minister's Office in Gujarat when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of the state.
Reflecting on the bond between mother and daughter, in September 2019, Sitharaman shared a heartfelt throwback picture with Vangamayi on the occasion of Daughter's Day. She expressed her admiration, describing her daughter as a friend, philosopher, and guide. In a tweet, Sitharaman wrote, "Can say so much and more about daughters. A #throwbackpic with my daughter. A friend, philosopher, and guide.
The wedding of Parakala Vangamayi and Pratik Doshi marked a joyous celebration of love and union, witnessed by their loved ones in a close and intimate setting. The couple embarks on a new chapter of their lives, blessed by the presence and support of their families and well-wishers.